Monday, March 24, 2014

About Me...

I remember my first women's bible study. It was at a military base home with many stay-at-home military wives. After months of getting to know these women, I soon came to appreciate the roles they play in their homes as their hubbies step out for duty. And while I have experienced a season of single parenting, I remember thinking...this is worse, you're in limbo between being a single parent and a two-parent household.

Little did I know the Lord was prepping me for the role I'd be playing in my own home. I'm not single, I'm not a military but for now, the Lord has removed my husband for healing. And here I am, not exactly a single parent and not exactly a two-parent home either. I'm in that limbo I thought would suck...and honestly, it kinda does and it kinda doesn't.

Just wanted to share my ups and downs for laughs and cries of this season and hope it blesses other parents who, under many circumstances, have to play the double duty role of mother and father in their home.

Be blessed knowing that everything we go through in life is all a matter of perspective. Capture every thought and choose to look at it through the eyes of Christ.